Reclaim your health through seasonal living.

“Doctors should first understand the cause of disease, then treat it with diet. Medicine should only be used if diet fails.”




What is Vital Qi?

Vital Qi means imbuing your life with vibrant energy and shoring up your life force (Qi) through East Asian food therapy. We’re dedicated to not just protecting your life force, but ensuring that you thrive. And we do that through our best ally: food.



Listen to your body.

If you want to learn the nuance of how to listen to your body and be your own detective for which flavors and cooking styles your body is asking for at any given moment, we created video courses to teach you just that.

 “Lindsey’s video series first and foremost taught me that health isn’t about perfection ... it’s really about the ability to adapt to changing conditions. When I’m starting to notice myself going off-center, the videos give me strategies to employ to take my health in a better direction.”



Plan for health.

It’s one thing to learn how East Asian Nutrition can help us optimize our health. It’s another matter altogether to put that into practice. So we’ve expanded Vital Qi Nutrition to provide a full suite of meal plans, addressing specific dietary and health goals while aligning the ingredient choices and cooking styles to the seasons.


“I have loved learning about East Asian Nutrition from Lindsey at Vital Qi, and I can feel the difference between improved digestion and reduced anxiety when I eat according to this philosophy. My life is so busy that planning to eat well can seem too hard. These meal plans have been a game-changer for me, they’re so easy to follow, and now I’m cooking and eating to feel my best.”


In just five minutes, you can learn all about the benefits of our new membership program.



Maximize your health.

Joining gives you full access to our expanding library of holistic health resources. More importantly, your subscription immerses you in an integrated, health-focused lifestyle that maximizes the benefits of each self-reinforcing element. You’ll feel better, understand your mind and body, and get empowered to change your life for the better.


Follow along for more seasonal health tips


Get started with Vital Qi today


Meal plans

Video courses


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